Carry out a validation
Carry out a validation
modern_elevation = NULL,
modern_species = NULL,
n_folds = 1,
use_uniform_prior = FALSE,
dx = 0.2,
modern.iter = 40000,
modern.burnin = 10000,
modern.thin = 15,
core.iter = 15000,
core.burnin = 1000,
core.thin = 7,
scale_x = FALSE
- modern_elevation
A dataframe of modern elevations
- modern_species
A dataframe of modern counts (to be sorted with
)- n_folds
Number of folds for CV
- use_uniform_prior
change prior on elevation to be uniform
- dx
The elevation interval for spacing the spline knots. Defaults to 0.2.
- modern.iter
The number of iterations for the modern model
- modern.burnin
The number of burnin samples for the modern model
- modern.thin
The number of thinning for the modern model
- core.iter
The number of iterations for the core model
- core.burnin
The number of burnin samples for the core model
- core.thin
The number of thinning for the core model
- scale_x
Set to TRUE to scale elevation data to have mean 0 and sd 1